Surprising Home Remedies for children Constipation Relief! - MayerlsCrypto

Surprising Home Remedies for children Constipation Relief! - MayerlsCrypto

Surprising Home Remedies for children Constipation Relief! - MayerlsCrypto

What mothers of children should eat to relieve constipation?

From children to the elderly, constipation is a problem. Constipation problems prevent normal life. As a result, stool cannot be released from the body normally every day. It also affects the amount or desire to eat and drink. Constipation can be eliminated in many cases if you can change your diet.

Why is constipation?

Constipation can be caused by many reasons. 6 most common and important reasons bellow:

  • 1. Not having enough fiber in the foods they are fed
  • 2. One of the cause is not drinking enough water throughout the day
  • 3. Lying down all day and resulting in lack of physical activity
  • 4. Urinary incontinence and retention
  • 5. Excessive stress, anxiety or depression or anger, crying
  • 6. Side effects of wrong medicine if ill

What are the symptoms of constipation?

A special cause of constipation is said to be usually defined by experts as having fewer than three bowel movements per week. Apart from this, there are other things that can cause these symptoms of constipation and:

  1. Dry, hard stools
  2. Larger than normal size of the bowels
  3. Difficulty defecating
  4. Feeling that the stomach is not clearing
  5. Abdominal pain, bloating, or nausea


Oatmeal can be given as the baby's first food. Oats are considered a good food option for children as they are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. They are a source of energy for your baby. Oats aid digestion and are much lighter than rice. It is the only cereal that causes allergies in the least number of children.

  • Oatmeal is very useful for breakfast and it goes without saying that it is delicious when mixed with different fruits.
  • Our oatmeal is homemade in a healthy way.
  • Do not allow the baby's body to shrivel in excessive heat, will help to keep the baby's stomach full for a long time and keep the baby active.
  • Instant, ready food, it takes a maximum of one minute to make, it is ready when it is dissolved in hot milk or water! Easy to carry even on travel.
  • Those (children/adults) with constipation should try this oatmeal! Inshallah your constipation will be cured like magic.


    • Rolled oat (rolled oat),
    • Dates (dates),
    • Black Raisin.

Nutritional information:

Rolled oats:

Oats are rich in fiber, iron, protein, and a host of nutrients including B vitamins. According to experts, oats are mainly rich in B vitamins and help the body digest carbohydrates. Moreover, oats contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, thiamin, vitamins etc. which are more than other grain foods. It also contains beneficial fatty acids, namely monounsaturated fats. Helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Date palm:

The quality and nutritional value of dates is immense. The Prophet (PBUH) used to say that there is no food in a house that does not have dates. Due to the presence of vitamin E in dates, eyesight will be good.


In addition to eliminating iron deficiency in the human body, raisins increase the amount of red blood cells and the body remains normal. Raisin soaked water helps purify the blood. Drinking raisin water regularly at the right time every day will help you get rid of constipation acidity and other diseases without medicine. Raisins help in gaining weight in a healthy way, as they are rich in fructose and glucose and are packed with potential energy.

Oatmeal for breakfast:

It is best to start the day with something healthy to avoid constipation. The best way is to have oatmeal in a bowl for breakfast. First, it dissolves easily in water and takes on a gel-like form, where the insoluble fiber binds heavily to the stool to soften food and make it easier to pass through the stomach and intestines. Thus, there is no need to strain for bowel movements and constipation is relieved.

Rise Special Semolina:

Rice Special Suji is very easy to digest as baby's first food..Rice Suji is a suitable food for 6 months babies, mothers are worried about what to start Sonamani solids, Rice Suji is an ideal food to start Sonamani solids.

Rise Special Semolina Ingredients:

    • Basmati rice.
    • Sugar powder rice.
    • Nazirshail
    • Sagudana
    • Made of cardamom.

Nutritional value of basmati rice:

  1. Long grain rice is grown in some other countries including India, Bangladesh and Pakistan in particular. This rice is famous for its aroma and taste.
  2. Basmati rice has no cholesterol at all, very little fat. Does not contain gluten. So there is no doubt, this rice helps to keep the heart good from all sides.
  3. Basmati rice is low in calories per cup and high in iron and calcium.
  4. Basmati rice takes longer to digest than normal rice. As a result, the stomach remains heavy for a long time. So if you want to control your hunger, then you can definitely start eating this rice.
  5. Basmati rice plays an important role in curing various stomach ailments including constipation due to being rich in fiber.

Nutritional value of Nazirshail rice:

  1. Easily digestible Nazirshail rice is very beneficial for sensitive stomach.
  2. Nazirshail rice acts as a source of minerals, aiding digestion as well as providing minerals.
  3. Nazirshail rice contains zinc, which helps in boosting fertility and immunity. Nazirshail rice also contains manganese, which is an anti-oxidant and increases cell activity.
  4. The 'amino acids' present in Nazirshail rice help the liver in fat metabolism.

Nutritional value of Sago:

  1. Guava is easily digested
  2. Sagudana provides quick energy to the body,
  3. Sagudana helps in muscle contraction
  4. Sagudana maintains water balance.
  5. Sagudana is a good food for heart patients as it is very low in saturated fat.
  6. Sugarcane is a good source of sugar.
  7. In case of constipation, eating sago is very beneficial.
  8. Sugarcane is a great source of carbohydrates.
  9. Effective in weight gain.

Nutritional value of cardamom:

  1. Cardamom improves digestion
  2. Cardamom removes bad breath
  3. Cardamom improves appetite
  4. Cardamom helps to detoxify
  5. Cardamom helps improve kidney health

And so we working mothers can confidently choose Rise Special Semolina from Baburhasi for kids, Rise Special Semolina is rich in nutrients as well as easy to cook, which saves us time.

How to eat:

You may not get the full benefits by eating sabudana alone, if you want to get the full benefits, you have to mix it with rice special semolina and other vegetables and feed the baby. You can mix Rise Special Suji with milk and feed it to the baby or make khichuri and give it to the baby. Now many people also make rice special semolina halwa, bara or kheer and eat it

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