Right age for children's to eat fruit and vegetable juice with Baby's Breakfast!

Right age for children's to eat fruit and vegetable juice with Baby's Breakfast!

Right age for children's to eat fruit and vegetable juice with Baby's Breakfast!

From what age should children be given fruit and vegetable juice?

When can babies drink juice, this is a question that often troubles parents. During the initial six months, it is best to avoid giving him juice. This is because breast milk helps deliver the nutrients as well as antibodies that are needed all over her little tummy. After that, your little bundle of joy can start drinking juice with solid food as early as the sixth month of his birth.

Things to keep in mind while giving juice to kids:

Use a cup and a spoon instead of a bottle to give him juice, starting with small portions, perhaps two tablespoons a day (divided into small sips). Make sure you give him diluted juices initially as he has an easier stomach. This juice can initially be diluted in a ratio of 25:75, of which 25 is fruit. Start with a single fruit or vegetable to get his digestive system used to it.

Monitor closely for any allergic reaction caused by the juice and if any such allergy is noticed, discontinue it immediately. Always boil fruits/vegetables and avoid juicing them raw as much as possible. Start with simple local foods such as apples, pears, carrots or radishes. Fruits such as bananas or oranges cannot be cooked and should not be given raw juice and early in the introduction of solid foods.

Always read the directions on the back of processed baby juice products, to make sure the juice is pasteurized. Don't just offer juice instead of water or solid food. Eight-month-old babies can have juice raw but must be thoroughly cleaned, and now parents can use mixed juice.

Children's seven-month juices should be made from boiled fruits and vegetables. These also need to be monitored for reactions, please use single diluted food ingredients and do not give more than one or two spoonful's a day. Make sure to give juice with a solid meal like lunch so he can easily absorb the extra nutrients. The best first juice for baby is a boiled and stewed apple or pear. Make sure the apple is cooked and crisp to extract the juice.

Which fruits and vegetables are best for kids?

Here is a list of healthy juices for kids:

  • Stewed apple juice is boiled
  • Soft coconut
  • Grape juice (raw)
  • Dates (raw)
  • Watermelon juice (raw)
  • Boiled carrot juice
  • Orange juice (raw)
  • Boiled tomato juice
  • Cedar Juice (Raw)
  • Boiled pear juice
  • Boiled peach juice
  • Papaya juice (best avoided during summer)
  • Banana juice (raw)
  • lychee juice (raw)
  • Mango juice (raw)

What other harm can fruit juice do to your baby?

If the baby is given a lot of solid food, plenty of fruit juice without milk or water; Then it will lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition in the first year after birth will affect the child's cognitive skills, mind and body development. Excess fruit juice is high in sugar and calories, which can lead to weight gain.

Juices can cause diarrhea as they are deprived of the fiber content found in fruits and vegetables. Juices nourish the mind and once your baby reaches the 6-month mark, let them have some extra tastes. Fruit and vegetable juices are nutritious and help young children develop a taste for healthy food options.

Baby's Breakfast:

No matter what time the baby food is, it should be brought in a regular manner from childhood. Eating breakfast regularly is very good for the body. Breakfast keeps blood sugar levels under control. There is no match for breakfast to keep the brain functioning properly, stay fresh and energetic throughout the day, keep the body healthy and eliminate fatigue.

What to feed the child for breakfast?

Try to feed children as much fresh food as possible for breakfast. Do not cut any salad fruits or vegetables overnight. If working mothers are in a hurry, they can make breakfast at night and keep it in the fridge. But do not give food that has been refrigerated for more than a day. Half-baked snacks can be refrigerated for up to three days, not more. Another thing, parents should take special care to ensure that children do not eat unwholesome tiffin bought from outside.

1. No matter what time the baby food is, it should be brought in a regular manner from childhood. From the age of one year, the baby should be accustomed to feeding small meals at regular intervals.

2. After waking up in the morning, wash the baby's mouth and give him some water first. After that it is better to finish breakfast within an hour.

3. Breakfast menu should be selected according to the age of the child. The breakfast menu for children who go to school will be one of a kind. Again the breakfast for children aged one to four years will be different. After one year, children need 1000 kcal a day and every year this need will increase by 100 kcal. 1/4th of the whole day's kilocalories or a little more must be filled with breakfast. That is, breakfast should be 250-300 kcal for a one-year-old child. To meet this demand, a breakfast menu might include 1 egg, 1 vegetable roll with handmade bread, 250 ml of milk and 1 small banana.

4. If you do not want to eat at once, give this food to the child in two parts. After waking up in the morning and again mid morning i.e. between 11 am and 12 pm can be given.

5. Children will eat with interest if they have variety in breakfast rather than serving the same food every day. In that case, instead of bread-vegetable rolls, one day of cereal, eggs, milk, bananas, one day of pancakes made of eggs, flour, sugar and milk and bananas can be given.

6. Instead of giving boiled eggs every day, you can fry eggs in oil one day. While frying eggs, sprinkling some sugar on top will give a nice brown color and add some glucose. Maybe one day there will be egg and milk pudding.

For breakfast, you can have more protein and fiber foods including vegetable khichuri, eggs, flour bread, yogurt, salad, fruit. Apart from this, eat less salt and fatty foods.

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