8 Best Winter Vegetables to Help Keep You Healthy | Nutritional Value & Benefits

Winter means a feast of nutritious vegetables and eye-catching recipes of these vegetables. Every winter vegetable contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in high amounts.. So we should eat these vegetables in abundance to stay healthy and beautiful. Let's know the nutritional value and benefits of winter vegetables.

8 Winter Vegetables & their Nutritional Value & Benefits

8 Winter Vegetables & their Nutritional Value & Benefits

1) Carrot

Carrots are highly nutritious, tasty and nutritious winter vegetables, which are now available almost all year round. Apart from eating this vegetable as a curry, it can be eaten as a salad and is a very useful vegetable. Carrots contain beta carotene which improves eyesight. Other ingredients prevent colon cancer, relieve constipation. Carotenoids present in carrots increase skin radiance. Removes skin dryness and sunburn. Mixing carrot with honey and applying it on the skin removes dead skin cells and brightens the skin.

2) Tomatoes

Tomato is a popular vegetable. This calorie-rich vegetable is rich in vitamin-C. Tomatoes can be eaten raw and ripe. Vitamin C present in tomato removes roughness of skin and hair, cures cold diseases. Prevents any skin disease, especially scurvy. Tomatoes contain antioxidants that fight against nature's harmful ultraviolet rays. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which strengthens the body's muscles, prevents decay, strengthens the roots of the teeth, and nourishes the eyes.

3) Broccoli

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. Broccoli is now grown extensively as a winter vegetable in all countries. Broccoli is rich in iron and calcium. it is a very delicious-tasty and nutritious vegetable, which plays an important role in providing energy to the human body.. It prevents various eye diseases like night blindness, bone deformity etc. and also protects your body from these diseases. and increases the immunity of various diseases. Eliminates constipation.

4) Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a delicious winter vegetable. Cauliflower contains vitamins 'A', 'B' and C. Besides, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur are in abundance. These vegetables are high in iron. Iron plays an important role in blood formation in our body and its deficiency. Cauliflower is very beneficial for pregnant mothers, growing children and people who do excessive physical work. Cauliflower has no fat. Cholesterol free cauliflower is therefore beneficial for growth and development. Cauliflower is particularly effective in preventing stomach cancer. Besides, the role of cauliflower is unique in preventing bladder and prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Vitamin A and C present in cauliflower play an effective role in preventing various winter diseases such as fever, cough, cold and tonsillitis. Vitamin 'A' of cauliflower is also necessary for eyes.

5) Radish

Another popular winter vegetable is Radish. Radishes can be eaten raw, which you can present as a salad, and are not paired to serve cooked. Radish is very rich source of vitamin C and the content of this vitamin is six times more in radish leaves. Radish helps prevent various cancers. Its important beta-carotene, protects against heart disease and reduces its risk. It reduces body weight. Helps relieve ulcers and indigestion. Prevents kidney and gallstone formation. Whooping plays a role in curing various diseases including cough, constipation, arthritis. Radish also plays a significant role in improving eyesight and skin beauty.

6) Cabbage

Cabbage is one of the fresh winter vegetables. This winter vegetable is very nutritious and delicious to eat. It can be cooked very easily. Cabbage is also rich in nutritious vitamins C and E. Besides, there are minerals like sulfur. Raw cabbage cleanses the stomach waste. Besides, cooked cabbage is very helpful in digestion of food. This vegetable is also very effective in reducing constipation. Cabbage also acts as an anti-cancer agent. Especially this winter vegetable plays a role in preventing colon cancer. Cabbage boosts human immunity. In addition, cabbage destroys harmful bacteria in the human body, heals ulcers and improves blood circulation in the body.

7) Coriander leaves

Coriander leaves are rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin A and folic acid, along with many essential nutrients for the skin. These vitamins provide daily nourishment to the body and skin, prevent hair fall, protect the soft tissues of the face and also fight oral cancer. Vitamin 'A' present in coriander leaves will improve your eyesight and helps to get rid of dark circles by providing nourishment to the eyes. Cholesterol free cilantro acts as a reporter of body fat and fights it. Coriander leaves contain a lot of iron which helps in the formation of blood in your body and also plays a major role in keeping the blood in the body clean. Besides, coriander leaves rich in vitamin K make the body strong by eliminating bone fragility. However, coriander leaves are more beneficial when eaten raw than cooked. There is a type of brain disease called Alzheimer's, which coriander leaves play an important role in curing. Coriander leaves contribute significantly to the relief of winter chapped lips, cold, fever. Coriander leaves contain an anti-oxidant rich in vitamin C. Which plays various medicinal roles.

8) Beans

Beans are tasty, nutritious, and a good source of protein. Apart from eating it as a vegetable, you can also dry it and eat its dried seeds as pulses Ripe bean seeds are rich in nutrients and fatty acids. Its fiber-like component helps digestion and relieves constipation. Reduces incidence of diarrhea. Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, which reduces the risk of heart disease and strengthens the stomach and spleen. Eliminates various problems of girls including leucorrhoea, removes malnutrition of children. Bean flower is used to treat a complicated disease like bloody dysentery and is very effective.

Before buying winter vegetables, try to check if they are free of Formalin and Stay Healthy and Beautiful.

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