7 Home Therapy to Make Hair Thick Naturally! - MayerlsCrypto

7 Home Therapy to Make Hair Thick Naturally! - MayerlsCrypto

7 Home Therapy to Make Hair Thick Naturally! - MayerlsCrypto

Get Thick Hair Naturally

Henna or henna:

Henna acts as a natural volumizer for hair. Mix henna powder with tea liquor, egg, lemon juice, sour curd. Leave the bell like this for a few hours. Then apply it all over the hair with the help of a brush. Wash off after an hour.


In addition to thickening hair, if you want to grow hair, use eggs as a hair pack. This egg pack will act as a protein treatment and make hair strong. Break one or two eggs and apply it on the hair according to the thickness and length of the hair. If the smell of the egg is too bad, you can mix it with an aromatic oil. Apply it all over the hair and wait for 15 minutes then shampoo well. If you do it twice a week, you will see a noticeable change in your hair within a few months.


The use of fenugreek in hair care is very old. You can get this amazing hair care product in the kitchen. Soak fenugreek overnight. The next morning, mix it well and apply it on the roots of the hair for about an hour. Then wash it off with water. The hair will be thick as well as the hair will be soft and shiny. If you use it only once a week, you will get results within a month.


There are many uses of amlaki in hair care. It strengthens the hair roots, reduces hair fall, increases hair growth, prevents graying of hair, maintains natural hair color, makes hair shiny. Instead of buying Amla oil from the market, make Amla oil at home and apply it on your hair. Amla powder is also available in the market and can be used with hair packs. But regular use of amla oil gives the best results.

Jaba Flower:

Jaba flower prevents graying of hair at a young age besides thickening the hair. Mix jaba flower paste with coconut oil and apply it on the hair roots. and after 18 to 20min wash your hair with your daily shampoo.

Castor oil:

Castor oil is a well-known hair oil that is very beneficial for increasing hair density. Among its many properties, it strengthens the hair roots by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. This oil is rich in vitamin C and protein which strengthens the hair roots, helps reduce hair fall and increases hair density.

Mix castor oil with coconut oil or olive oil and massage it well on the scalp for 20 to 25 minutes (before going to bed at night). Wake up in the morning and shampoo. Use it for 3-5times in a week for best the results.

How to make Aloe Vera Oil for Hair

Necessary Materials

  • 1. coconut oil
  • 2. Fenugreek seeds
  • 3. curry leaves
  • 4. Aloe vera
  • 5. Onion
  • 6. Jawa flower

Amount: Coconut oil 100 ml. Ltd. , 20 grams of fenugreek seeds, a handful of curry leaves (available in supermarkets), 20 grams of aloe vera.


1. First, wash an aloe vera leaf well, remove the green part around it and cut the inner soft slippery transparent part into small pieces.

2. Take a handful of curry leaves and wash them well with water. Then drain the water. Or wipe with a clean cloth.

3. Then place a pot on the stove and heat it on medium heat. Heat it slightly and add coconut oil. Heat for three minutes.

4. When the coconut oil is hot, add whole fenugreek seeds to it. Keep it on very low heat in the oven so that the fenugreek seeds do not burn. If you want, you can stir it with a spoon after a while. And eeep it like this for 5 to 7min.

5. Now add curry leaves. You can give little by little if you want. I give all the pages at once. Add onion and jaba flower too

6. Keep stirring the aloe vera pieces into the oil as well. Gradually the pieces will continue to get smaller. Keep stirring till the curry leaves become dry and the aloe vera pieces become small. But don't burn it.

7. Once the oil is done, cool it. Then strain well and store in a glass bottle.

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Method of use:

Use this oil on the entire hair, including the scalp, two to three times a week at night. Next day wash your hair with a good quality shampoo. Apply conditioner. So this oil can be used as a massage oil and also this hair oil is also suitable for children.


Curry leaf contains iron, vitamin C, phosphorus. So by using this oil you will get thick hair. Moreover, the hair is strengthened from the roots, so hair fall is reduced. Get back healthy, thick hair.

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