Homemade Nutritious & Healthy Baby Food! - MayerlsCrypto

Homemade Nutritious & Healthy Baby Food

Homemade Nutritious & Healthy Baby Food

Eating nutritious food is very important for the physical and mental development of the child. Even if little by little, keep them regularly in the daily food list of the child.

Eggs: Experts say that it is very important to have 45-55 grams of protein in the daily diet of children. Eating one egg per day provides a complete supply of protein. Eggs are also rich in nutrients including vitamins and minerals. It also contains nutrients called potassium which are essential for brain development.

Oatmeal: Another nutritious food is oatmeal. Rich oatmeal provides energy to growing babies.

Milk: Milk contains calcium, phosphorus, protein and carbohydrates. These elements are effective in the formation of the baby's bones.

Spinach: You can feed baby spinach. It is an excellent source of iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A and C. They help in the mental development of children, as well as contribute to the formation of strong bones.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are second to none as a nutritious food. The fiber, calcium and vitamin A contained in it are essential for the development of the child.

Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is more nutritious than regular butter. It contains iron, protein, fiber and vitamins. About 28 percent protein is found in 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.

Yogurt: Yogurt can be included in children's diet. Eating a little sour curd every day will make your teeth and bones strong. Yoghurt is rich in calcium and protein and helps in digestion.

Nut Mix Powder:

You can eat at any age from 10 months. Nut mix powder

Weight gain foods for babies and toddlers Poor weight gain in babies and children is one of the main concerns of most parents.

Remember that

  • A fat baby does not mean that the baby is healthy.
  • Usually 6 months, 1 year or 2 years baby needs more attention on weight gain and must give healthy recipes along with food list..

Cashew Nuts:

    • Reduces weight
    • Beneficial for the heart
    • Prevents diabetes
    • Beneficial for bones
    • Rich in antioxidants

Wood Nuts:

    • Very beneficial for heart and brain health.
    • Regulates blood cholesterol.
    • Strengthens bones and teeth.
    • Strengthens the body's immune system.
    • Reduces inflammation.
    • Very beneficial for skin and hair
    • Regulates insulin and blood pressure.

In walnuts:

    • Keeps the heart healthy
    • Helps in brain development
    • Reduces the risk of cancer
    • Strengthens bones
    • Useful in pregnancy
    • Increases immunity
    • For good sleep
    • Good for hair

Benefits of Pistachios:

    • Keeps the heart healthy
    • Helps in weight loss
    • Increases immunity
    • To keep the blood healthy
    • source of energy
    • Helps to prevent various physical problems caused by age such as muscle weakness, cataracts
    • Dental disease and liver problems
    • Pistachios are very useful

Chinese Nuts:

    • Chinese almonds reduce cholesterol
    • Helps prevent diabetes
    • Very effective in losing weight
    • Helps increase memory power
    • Increases immunity

Pregnant women can eat it. Which will keep you and your child healthy inshallah. Lactating mothers can also eat it freely which will help increase milk supply Insha Allah.

When phlegm accumulates in children's chest, the child cannot sleep and there is a wheezing sound during breathing. What to do if phlegm accumulates in your child's chest?

1. Elevate your baby's head while sleeping. This will facilitate his breathing.

2. Feed your baby with warm water mixed with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice.

3. You can make soup with tomato and garlic and feed it to your baby. It will dissolve the phlegm and comfort the baby.

4. Fry two cloves of garlic and one spoon of fennel. Now tie this mixture in a clean cloth and keep it in the sleeping place of the child. It heats up and the steam released from it will open the baby's stuffy nose and make the phlegm go away. Garlic and fennel contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that help in curing baby's cold.

5. Many parents don't want to give their baby a bath if they have a cold or cough. Don't do it. Try to bathe your baby with lukewarm water every day. This will prevent phlegm from settling in the chest.

6. Take a bowl of hot water and steam the baby in it. Keep the baby like this for some time. The steam of hot water clears the baby's nose. It makes the baby comfortable.

If the child does not improve, you must consult a Child Physician.

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