CPA offers "Not everything that Shines it is Gold"


CPA Offers


CPA Marketing is sold as one of the easiest ways you can apply to earn money online, since many companies look for this service, because paid advertising is very expensive, so they incorporate these means to get that "lead" for so they can later apply the different marketing campaigns.

Basically it should be achieved that the audience takes an action, they do not have to buy a product, or the offer, it is only that, an action that is known as "lead" or "contact."


It means "cost per action" and the only thing you have to do is make sure that people put information, be it their telephone number, their email or any information requested.

To learn to earn money with the CPA you do not necessarily have to invest money in courses or training, you can search for strategies on YouTube, there are many videos that can help you, look for it as follows: “CPA strategy” or “Strategy + The name of the CPA Network ”, If you know other language I recommend you look for them in that language, there are usually better videos in English.

It is important to keep in mind that web marketing CPA requires time and effort, and you may not see immediate results. However, if you are constantly dedicated and learned, you may make money consistently.

If you are taking your first steps in the CPA marketing, you start with any of these three: CPalead, CPabuild or CPagrip and once you have gained experience you go to Adoworkmedia, Adcomombo, Leadbit or MaxBounty.

The problem with these first networks is that there are not so many offers in them and Lead payments are usually lower than in other networks such as AdWorkmedia or MaxBounty. Especially in CPalead the payments are up to three or four times minor when comparing them with those of other networks.
It has other networks of which you have seen more advertising on social networks (Facebook mainly) such as: ClickBank, Hotmart (which does not work for some countries like Venezuela), in others words there are many.

Currently the ones that pay more per offer are MaxBounty and Peerfly but your record requires first approval, so you can use them, so experience is an important factor to overcome its interview process.
They are quite simple to use and accept you as soon as you register. They also have "Content Locker", a tool that, once you learn to use it, it makes things very easier for you.

The term conversion or reveneu is the payment we receive for each offert completed.

Types of best known CPA offers

  • Downloads (downloads)

They consist that the interested person must download and install the proposed item to get the conversion.

  • Email Submit (email registration)

They consist of leaving the data of the registration required to validate. Sometimes they ask for two registration pages for conversion and even when they pay a little more it can be more difficult to convert.

  • Records (lead)

Similar to the previous ones but with fewer requirements, examples of them are records of games on others.

  • Apps (mobile applications)

They consist of downloading and installing the application to validate. It may happen that they ask for email confirmation to complete the offer.

  • PIN Submit (Postal Code) (SMS codes)

They are the typical ones that ask for a code that is sent to the phone of the interested person. The conversion is achieved when this is confirmed.

  • Sales

You manage to convert when the sale is made. In this type of offers I recommend, before promoting them, informing yourself of the conditions in other affiliate programs and making comparisons to see if what they offer is worth or not.
While there may be many more types of offers, the above are the most common.

Types of advertising for CPA

In the same way that there are the different types of offers, not all advertising is valid to promote them. The first problem we can find is that the advertiser does not admit certain advertisements.
This fact will determine the types of advertising to generate traffic that can also give us an extra orientation for similar offers. Logic tells us that if the advertiser, first interested in converting, does not admit advertising, it will surely be because it does not work.

How is that traffic generated for CPA?

Well, in key platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, forums, even quora or reddit, every social it´s important.

And what is the key? Well, give you containing your audience and Please not being a Spamer! .

There are three ways to generate traffic to earn money with CPA:

1.    SEO and affiliations, using SEO to generate traffic is the longest and most complex way (and probably also the most expensive). Many technical skills are needed, experience and a long time before seeing results.
2.    Promote affiliation campaigns in Facebook groups or destination forums, in jargon is called "free traffic". It is certainly the cheapest. Simply find Facebook groups in the target with the niche of the product that we want.
3.    Promoting affiliation campaigns through Facebook ads, is undoubtedly the most effective way. It is simply to attract traffic to your affiliate link through the creation of Facebook paid campaigns.

A plan to promote CPA offers

A plan contains:

1.      A specific offer of a specific niche of a concrete CPA network with an exact traffic source to obtain certain results.
2.    Objectives and goals, strategies and techniques, with all possible details before performing any type of action or investment. With which you can prevent certain situations and you can make some forecasts.
3.    You must have different sections and must be structured over time. This must contain every detail of the actions we intend to perform in the promotion of a CPA offer and can be specific or general. It can also and should be modifiable by adapting it to the results over time.
4.    Determine an initial budget and conversions estimated in a real way. Because, we allocate some amount of money as inversion and we want to recover them with a minimum benefit.

In order to analyze the daily results that affect decision making during the time we are doing the campaign that our offer contains, the simplest is the best when set a starting, that is, focusing on a single network provides us with stability to see The advances of said offer. In the same way using a single traffic source will allow us to know the platform and check results. To end the idea that closes our first plan we can.

It is obvious that we do not know what offer it converts more and where. It is true that we have this information on the CPA network itself that can help us without being decisive. And it is for these reasons that we must try and try.

The tests are part of any business or investment, including CPA. These are considered "unknown loss" and are used to know which offer makes more and can be more profitable. Without evidence it will be really difficult to know what offer it works best.

The tests can be performed in different ways, by countries, categories, age, sex or anything else you can think of. The idea of the test is to discard those that do not result in investing more resources in which they are working.

The expenditure of the tests must be considered in our plan as an initial investment that allows us to refine the campaign. Therefore, our plan should be created based on phases or objectives.

If we do not achieve the results we thought it is better to go to another offer since otherwise we will lose more money. Limiting the budget is another detail that cannot be missing in any promotion.

CPA offers are not a magical way of generating money online as many others sell it, it requires dedication, study, control, time, automation and artificial intelligence use but as everything requires effort and dedication, not everything that shines it is gold, so it is a path that well executed in its time generates money for your pocket, there is no 100% proven or effective form, each one has their method elaborated at the base of their experience,

 And just as finding a gold mine is not easy and it takes a lot of investment, work and perseverance to be able to receive the profits that come from the mine itself, so are the CPAs, you must be constant, it is not easy, it requires dedication like everything else on the internet. but if you get good offers you will get income that will grow according to your effort and dedication, it is possible to earn money, yes without a doubt, but it will not be like the ads that are shown to attract them with images of luxurious life, this is the reality. And Just like finding a gold mine is not easy and it takes a lot of investment, work and perseverance to be able to receive the profits that come from the mine itself, so are the CPAs, you must be constant, it is not easy, it requires dedication like everything else on the internet, but If you get good offers you will get income that will grow according to your effort and dedication, it is possible to earn money, yes, without a doubt, but it will not be like the ads that are shown to attract them with images. For luxurious living, this is not reality.

You can achieve that status if with effort.

Remenber in CPA offers "Not everything that shines it is Gold"


 In the case of deciding Doing this type of work or you are doing it now, you can leave me your comments below.

Good luck and success.

 If you need more information or consulting for your investiment please comments or go direct to our consulting page.

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